Suncoast Housing Connections builds and remodels single family homes for sale and develops rental properties in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. All homes and apartments are designed and built to the highest possible standard. All properties include energy efficient and green features.
Homes built by Suncoast Housing Connections are available to families that meet certain qualifications. To see if you qualify, you must attend a Homebuyer Education Workshop sponsored by our agency, then meet with one of our Housing Counselors to determine if you meet the requirements. Suncoast Housing Connections works with local governments and their Downpayment Assistance Programs to assist families afford to purchase these homes.
Rental Properties
Suncoast Housing Connections is developing workforce housing to preserve and add to the rental market in Pinellas and Pasco County.
Orange Lake Rental Properties:
Suncoast Housing Connections owns 11 single family homes in the Largo area. These homes are available to families who earn 80% of the area median income. If you are interested in renting one of these homes when they are available, please contact Courtney Anderson (property manager) , Pinellas County Housing Authority for availability.
Upcoming Rental Properties
Suncoast Housing Connections is working on expanding our available rental properties. Check back soon!